2022 Tillman Scholar

Andrew Nguyen

Harvard University
Doctor of Medicine

“When I reflect on medicine, I draw many parallels to my life in special operations. The mission, above all else, is to provide the best outcome for those around you.”

For over four years Andrew Nguyen lived by the Ranger Creed as a member of the Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment 1st Battalion, and he plans to imbue the same ethos in serving as a physician — to keep himself mentally alert and morally straight, to shoulder more than his share of whatever task presents itself.

From his service, he realized that through a career in medicine, he could be more than just a bystander to suffering — he could be in the position to not only reduce unnecessary pain but to also help those affected by conflict and trauma be restored to the fullness of life. Andrew graduated from Yale University in 2022 with a B.S. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and is currently an M.D. candidate at Harvard Medical School. In crossing from the path of a warrior to that of a healer, he hopes to continue a life of service with the mission to improve the human condition and reduce unnecessary suffering in the world one person at a time.