2009 Tillman Scholar

Kathryn Glynn

Air Force
Harvard University

Kate moved to Yokohama, Japan at age four, and returned the US to attend the United States Naval Academy in 1994. She was commissioned an ensign in the US Navy in 1998, and served for the next 9 years as a fixed and rotary wing pilot, flying H-60s through two combat deployments in support of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom, and T-34s as a primary flight instructor. She left the service in 2007 after the birth of her son, remaining in south Texas where her husband, LtCol Patrick Glynn, USMC, completed his active duty commitment. Kate took the GRE 8 months pregnant with her second child and moved to Massachusetts to attend the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2009. She is a proud member of the first class of Tillman Military Scholars. Kate focused her studies on international affairs and nuclear nonproliferation and earned a Master’s degree in 2011. Initially moving to Washington DC as a management consultant, Kate found employment in her field of study in 2013, working as a contractor senior analyst for the National Nuclear Security Administration. She transitioned from contractor to Federal employee in 2016 and now serves as a foreign affairs specialist of the Office of International Nuclear Safeguards, working to ensure that nations do not divert peaceful nuclear technologies into weapons programs. She lives in Fairfax, Virginia with her husband, two kids, two cats, and two gigantic slobbery dogs.