2022 Tillman Scholar
Nick was born in Southern California and enlisted in the Navy in 2007. He married the love of his life, Carrie, and they have three wonderful children together. He went on to graduate basic underwater demolation and after SEAL qualifying training, he volunteered to attend the nine-month Special Operations Combat Medic school in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. During his first operation overseas, three of his teammates were wounded which required Nick to rely on all the trauma skills he acquired as a medic. This event stirred in him a calling to the field of medicine.
After deciding to go to medical school, he went back to college to finish his degree. In 2019, Nick graduated from Arizona State University with highest honors, completing all required pre-medical coursework. He was accepted at Duke University’s School of Medicine where he began as a medical student in fall 2020. Nick was also awarded the Navy’s Health Services Collegiate Program scholarship. This unique program allows him to remain on active duty while in medical school and upon graduation he will commission as a Navy physician. His desire is to serve in the medical corps until he retires, giving back to the men and women who sacrifice so much for our great country.