2020 Tillman Scholar

Marco Segura

Santa Clara University

“My mission is to one day provide sailors and their families with effective legal representation and outstanding legal advice.”

While in high school, Marco attended the American Legion Virginia Boys State, igniting a devotion to country and to public service. Fanning that passion were experiences, sacrifices and contributions of his military family. Marco wanted to give back to his country by enlisting in the military, however, his immigration status did not allow him to do so. But Marco persisted, and after years waiting to become a U.S. citizen, he was finally able to carry on the familial legacy of service by joining the U.S. Navy.

Marco’s relentless pursuit to impact people’s lives pushed him to start law school full time even while serving in the military. As part of a handful of enlisted active duty sailors in law school, he considers himself an accessible legal advisor to his fellow sailors. A trusted serviceman first and respected future lawyer second, Marco has seen firsthand how legal wisdom can positively impact his community.

With this goal in mind, Marco has been acquiring skills and gaining personal experiences that will serve him well while representing sailors. Marco understands that everyone in uniform and their families deserve the chance to be effectively represented by caring and capable lawyers. Marco hopes to embody this service credo as a Navy JAG.

Marco is currently stationed in San Jose, California, where he is the funeral honors coordinator at NOSC San Jose. He is pursuing a JD at Santa Clara Law School.