2013 Tillman Scholar

Khalil Tawil

Harvard University
Yale University | MBA | J.D.

“After 9/11, a divide opened up in this world. I felt that there was something I could do to help bridge the gap.”

As an American Muslim born to Lebanese immigrants, Khalil’s background has provided him with a unique perspective on the Post-9/11 world. He spent much of his youth traveling across the Middle East, and credits discussions on foreign policy at the family dinner table as his first “combat experiences.”

After attending West Point, Khalil earned a Fulbright Scholarship to study economic development in Cairo in 2009 during the thick of the social unrest. As an Arab-American and U.S. Army Officer, he frequently debated current events with the locals in an effort to build greater understanding between the two cultures.

Currently, Khalil is pursuing his law degree at Yale University and MBA through Harvard University. He is passionate about economic development in the Middle East and has a vision to continue bridging the gap through commerce and business. One day he aspires to return to public service as a U.S. Ambassador. Help support scholars like Khalil.