2013 Tillman Scholar

Anthony Cervantes

Air Force
University of Arizona

As a young kid, Anthony did not come from the best of circumstances. Growing up in the inner streets of Houston exposed him to a difficult childhood that played a major role in the shaping of his character. His determination and resilience was molded by an insatiable desire for a better life, a life of meaning and virtue. A desire that led him to join the Air Force and become a Pararescueman. Through his combat service, from treating battle-wounded Marines in Iraq to providing lifesaving care to locals in the mountains of Afghanistan, his compassion for others grew. Living out the motto “That Others May Live”; has forged in Anthony a deep desire to serve his community, not only as a service member but also as an active citizen. 

His last deployment afforded him the opportunity to assist a physician working in a Somali refugee camp. There, getting to help the displaced families not only touched him on a personal level but professionally it exposed him to a side of medicine that he had never encountered. He was both humbled and encouraged by the refugee’s resilience—and reminded him that even medical providers can learn from their patients. This experience was paramount in his desire to pursue a career in medicine.

As a Tillman Military Scholar, Anthony has pursued his medical degree at the University of Arizona with an end goal returning to active-duty to continue his career as an Air Force physician a role that will enable him to continue to serve all those entrusted in his care.